Employee Performance & Impact Trends 


Insight and action to help you build a high-performance culture and inspire employee impact.



Employees Say Their Performance Management Processes Have Recently Changed.  

This is good news. Almost 3 in 4 employees had changes to their performance management processes in the last year. A change in process isn’t always a bad thing. Approaches to performance management often change over time. 




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Less Than Half of Employees Say Their Current Performance Management is a Good Use of Time 

We don’t want employees to find the performance management process disruptive, but we do want them to find it a good use of time and effort. Employees say their organization’s performance management processes could be a better use of their time, easier, more efficient, and more motivational. 


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Employees Say Managers are the Key to Improving Performance 

More than 2 in 3 employees say that feedback from their manager is vital to improving their performance. That’s followed by 1-on-1 conversations with their manager.

About half of managers say that tools and software are effective at improving their performance. It’s important to make sure the tools organizations are using are driving the right things (feedback, 1-on-1s, and goals) to maximize effectiveness. 



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Employees are Getting More Feedback from Their Managers 

4 in 10 employees receive weekly feedback from their manager. 



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Many Employees are Already Meeting with Their Managers Frequently 

Almost half of employees have weekly 1-on-1 conversations with their manager. 



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Employees are Setting Performance Goals 

About 1 in 3 employees set performance goals annually and about 1 in 4 employees set performance goals quarterly. 




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Performance Management Tool Usage Doesn't Necessarily Match Feedback and 1-on-1 Frequency 

1 in 4 employees use performance management software annually. Only about 1 in 10 employees use performance management tools weekly. 

It's great that employees report that they're getting feedback and having 1-on-1s, but organizations need to make sure the data from those conversations is getting captured in a centralized, accessible place.




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A Real HR Story

FORVIS Reinvents Performance Management Strategy 

In an ever-changing industry where talent retention has become a competitive advantage, FORVIS knew it needed to reinvent its performance management strategy to engage employees and elevate employee and business success. 


Performance Reviews are Low Performing, High Potential

Many organizations are still using traditional annual reviews. But these once-a-year, backward-looking events are not perceived as effective, engaging, or fair. Performance reviews have the potential to be catalysts for performance and growth—if they're done right.


In This Section

Most Organizations are Following a More Traditional Approach to Performance Reviews 

Recognition, Ratings and Actionable Advice are Common in Performance Reviews 

There’s a Big Gap Between Effective and Ineffective Performance Reviews 

The Potential of Reviews in Boosting Engagement, Performance, and Perceptions of Fairness

A Real HR Story: Benesch Improves Engagement and Retention with Performance Management 

How to Turn This Insight Into Action 



Check Out the Data


Most Organizations are Following a More Traditional Approach to Performance Reviews 

Almost 2 in 3 employees have annual performance reviews, as opposed to quarterly or monthly performance conversations. 




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Recognition, Ratings and Actionable Advice are Common in Performance Reviews 

Most performance reviews contain a combination of recognition, ratings, advice, career growth, performance data, and might even discuss pay. But it doesn’t appear that most managers are taking advantage of using AI to assist them with performance reviews.




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There’s a Big Gap Between Effective and Ineffective Performance Reviews 

There’s a clear difference in the content of an effective review versus and ineffective review. The top five factors that make up an effective review include:  

  • Recognition of accomplishments 
  • Review of performance data 
  • Actionable advice for employees 
  • Discussion of career growth 
  • Clear understanding of performance rating



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The Potential of Reviews in Boosting Engagement, Performance, and Perceptions of Fairness

Performance reviews—if done well—can be a key lever for driving employee engagement and inspiring employee performance. When reviews are forward-focused and development-centered, they’re more likely to engage employees and drive improved performance.  




Reviews that feel human and backed by data feel fairer to employees. This means recognizing employees, giving advice they can act on, reviewing performance data together, and talking about future growth opportunities.  





Conversations That Feel Human and Backed by Data Feel More Fair 

Actionable advice, career growth, performance data, and recognition conversations during performance reviews feel more fair to employees than receiving a rating.


A Real HR Story

Feedback Helps Benesch Quickly Address Employee Concerns 

“Customer Surveys and 1:1 cycles help us monitor employee responses to new programs at crucial moments in their employee journey. We can quickly address concerns, contributing to the success of many new initiatives.”  

Julie Melidis
Director of Learning and Development
at Benesch


Managers Want More Clarity, Time, Training, and Recognition

What do managers say they need to be more effective and impactful as managers? They need more clarity about how their performance is measured, more time with their teams, more management training, and more recognition for their good work.  

And when it comes to training? 39% of managers have received zero training or development related to effective management practices and only 32% of managers have received training or education related to managing remote employees. 




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Managers Are More Effective With Modern Tools 

When managers are rated as effective users of technology, they are rated as 3.4x more effective at management. 




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Engagement and Performance Technology Help Managers Feel More Effective

What technology makes a manager more effective? Managers say everything from understanding their team’s engagement to evaluating performance and documenting 1-on-1s. 




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Managers Want More AI Training, But Don’t Feel Supported 

Nearly half of managers want more AI training. But fewer than 1 in 5 managers agree their leaders support and encourage AI to get work done. 


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Managers Feel Like They’re Coaches, But Employees Might Disagree 

There is a 24% gap between individual contributors’ perceptions of their manager as a coach and the perceptions of managers. 


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Managers Tend to Overestimate Their Ability to Spot High Performance

What does high performance look like? When compared to the perceptions of non-managers, managers might be overestimating the extent in which they can identify high performance. 


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“Yes, managers are a critical part of performance. But they’re so much more than that. They’re your culture champions. They drive action in response to engagement surveys, communicate to teams, and create a culture of feedback. We can do more to empower managers in not just performance efforts, but engagement as well.”

Anne Maltese

Director of People Insights

Quantum Workplace

linkedin-icon_whiteWant to learn more from Anne?
Follow her on LinkedIn.


More Frequent Performance Activity Leads to Higher Engagement 

When employees have increased frequency of goal setting, 1-on-1s, feedback, and performance evaluations, they are more engaged. All of these activities are usually completed with their managers. 



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Survey Conversation Activity Leads to Higher Engagement 

When employees agree their managers have productive conversations about survey, they are 4.1x more likely to say their company takes effective post-survey action. 




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Managers Can Impact Engagement with Change Management Communication 

When employees agree their managers are an active communicator of change, they are 2.2x more likely to be highly engaged 



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Managers Can Impact Engagement by Creating an Open Environment 

When employees agree their managers foster a comfortable team environment where they can express thoughts and concerns about changes, they are 2.4x more likely to be highly engaged. 



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A Real HR Story

Scooter’s Coffee Empowers Managers with Tools to Maximize Performance 

“As a leader of multiple teams, across a broad array of functions, roles and responsibilities, the tool has allowed me to not only be more organized in communicating with and aligning my direct reports, but also to have clear visibility to the communication, development, engagement, and recognition of all levels within my organization.”  

Missy McKinley
Senior Vice President of Operations
at Scooter's Coffee


Employees Want to See Their Impact 


Setting Goals Leads to Higher Engagement 

When employees set goals and update them often, they’re more likely to be engaged. 



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Goal Types and Alignment Matter 

Employees are more likely to be engaged when they have goals that focus on their development or align up to the organization’s most important objectives. 



 Employees are 3.2X more likely to be engaged when their performance goals are aligned with their organizational goals. 



Employees who set developmental goals are 2x more likely to be highly engaged than those who don't.


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Employees Want More Recognition for Their Work 

Employees – especially managers – want more recognition for their work. 51% of all employees surveyed said they want more recognition, while 58% of managers said they’d like more. More than half of employees who receive recognition quarterly or less would like more, and 63% of disengaged employees said the same. 

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When considering various reasons for recognition, 71% of employees said their most preferred recognition was for their performance or accomplishments in their role. 


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Employees Want Frequent Coaching, Especially in a Remote Environment 


Employees prefer weekly coaching and one-on-one conversations with their managers, regardless of their work environment. However, 43% of remote employees are more likely to prefer a weekly cadence, compared to 27% of onsite employees. Impact_one-on-one-frequency-preferences V2

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More Frequent Feeback Drives Engagement and Retention 


More frequent manager-employee one-on-ones can have a significant impact on an employee's engagement and retention. Employees who receive more frequent feedback are 2X more engaged, 3X less likely to apply for other jobs, and 1.4X more likely to stay at their organization. 

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Everyone Wants More Feedback 

 46% of all employees want more performance feedback. Managers and leadership are more likely to say they want more feedback. Almost 70% of employees who receive feedback twice a year or less say they would like more. Unengaged employees are more likely to say they want more feedback. 

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A Real HR Story

Fossil Group, Inc. Makes Time for Performance With a Strategic Platform That Wins 

Fossil achieves 100% of strategic goals for 2 consecutive years, 10% forecasted sales growth, and better alignment between employee goals and organizational goals. 

More Employee Engagement Trends

Click on another section to learn more about what's happening in the workplace — and what you can do about it. 

Magnetic Culture


● The ‘Big Stay’ is Here

● You Can’t Get by With Mediocre Culture

Employee Experience


● Employees Expect Post-Survey Action

● Engagement is the Key to Strong Retention and Performance

Emerging Intelligence


● Organizations Still Aren’t Ready for AI

● Change Isn’t the Problem - How You Manage It Is

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